With the archelios PRO web application, you can design any type of photovoltaic project: from rooftop projects to large solar power plants. Feasibility and profitability studies, simulations, production calculations, the application is intended for all types of projects.
Access the archelios PRO application:
The promises of archelios PRO
Location and 3D modelling of the installation.
Layout, choice of inverter and automatic wiring of the tables.
Quick estimation of the output. (P50-P90)
Project design
Detailed study and full report customization.
Supports all types of load curves.
Technical-economic study
Complete analysis with calculation of the return and payback time. (VAN/LCOE/TRI)
Single-line schematics and execution plans.
3D Conception
Layout and automatic layout
Inverter configuration and automatic string wiring
Simulation and production calculation
Self-consumption analysis and energy storage
Economic analysis
Sizing Report
Project deliverables

archelios PRO is recognised by the following training organisations:
Integration of more than 100 manufacturer catalogues

A range of photovoltaic software adapted to your activity
Depending on whether you’re a craftsman, small project installer, solar power plant developer, or occasional user, you won’t always need the same features. With the archelios PRO range, you have an ergonomic and high-performance tool, adapted to the size of your projects with features tailored to your needs.
archelios PRO Free
Power limit of 36kWp/project
Features (limited)
- Dimensioning of modules, inverters and optimizers
- Calculation of output
- Economic calculation of the project
archelios PRO Silver
Power limit of 100kWp/project (Or Projects up to 100kWp)
- Built-in 3D modelling
- Dimensioning of modules, inverters and optimizers
- Calculation of output
- Economic calculation of the project
- Management of self-consumption installations
- Management of solar pumping installations
- Adding hardware references
- Access to the BIM&CO module database
- Project import – Sunny design / K2 Base
- archelios plugin for SketchUp
- 3D wiring of modules and channels
archelios PRO Gold
Power limit of 1MWp /project (Or Projects up to 1MWp)
Additional features
- Detailed production analysis
- Import consumption profile from the Enedis API
- Edit PDF and CSV reports
- Import weather data
- 3D dxf export (AutoCAD)
- Export GeoJSON data
- KML export (Google Earth)
- Import horizon files
- Tracker compatibility
- Compare projects
archelios PRO Platinum
Unlimited power
Additional features
- Import weather data (TMY 365 days taken into account)
- Import 3E weather data via an API tool
- 3D earthmoving tool
- Optimise clipping
- Archelios plugin for Revit®