Who are we? - Trace Software
Trace Software
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Who are we?

Software for Sustainable Buildings

contact us

At the heart of innovation in network sizing and energy efficiency, Trace Software is positioned as an undisputed leader in the development of software for building and energy professionals.

Our expertise covers the design of electrical and photovoltaic installations, the energy sizing of our buildings and the optimisation of an installation’s carbon footprint, marking our commitment to a more sustainable future. 

Trace Software was born in the early 1990s to develop Autocad applications for mechanical and electrical design offices. This is how the TR-MECA, TR-ELEC and TR-PATRIM applications were born, which were the genesis of TraceParts, TR-CIEL, elecworks / Solidworks Electrical, Elec Calc and Solar Calc offers. 

In 2015, the parent company Trace Group created the startup Green Systems to develop energy management and control solutions. 

A few years later, the global energy landscape has been completely turned upside down with soaring electricity prices, the decision to drive electric vehicles, the availability of energy storage technologies and the explosion of photovoltaic installations. 

The consequences for facility design criteria are numerous. It is therefore necessary to take into account the impacts of our installations during their full life cycle, and in particular the operating phase: controlling energy expenditure and reducing the carbon footprint. 

 In addition to sizing, energy efficiency must be ensured  and measurement, monitoring and control systems must be put in place. Electrical design is evolving towards a more global energy concept that must also take into account the territory to manage energy sharing. 

Thus, in 2024, the companies Trace Software International and Green Systems will merge to meet these new challenges

This new entity thus masters a complex technological chain integrating electrical installation modelling, energy modelling of the buildings (thermal, LCA, etc.), and energy efficiency (monitoring and management).

Trace Software offers innovative solutions that allow its customers to understand the impacts of their choices and make the best energy management decisions.

Our Offices

We provide our expertise to key players such as control offices, building owners, design offices, installers and operators, as well as equipment and product manufacturers. We model territories, buildings and networks, thus enabling the calculation, simulation and advanced optimisation of energy management. 


Trace Software is based in France and has subsidiaries in Morocco, Germany and China. The company is present worldwide through authorised distributors or partners for marketing, implementation and services.


Head Office

Parc Eco-Normandie
76430 Saint Romain de Colbosc – France

+33 (0)2 32 79 44 24


Technical Support

+33 (0)2 32 79 59 67


SIRET: 507 704 716 00012

N° de TVA: FR81507704716

TSI MOROCCO Subsidiary

Francophone Africa Market

104 bis boulevard Abdelmoumen 4ème étage

20042 Casablanca – Maroc

+212 645 51 08 27


Filiale TSI GmbH Frankfurt am Main

DACH zone

c/o Pramex International GmbH
Savignystraße 43
60325 Frankfurt am Main – Allemagne

+49 (0) 151 16528462




+86 21 6236 0850


  • Trace Software logo
  • 1990

    Creation of Trace Software

  • 1997

    Creation of TR Ciel

    Electrical Calculation

  • 2005

    elec calc™ Classic

    LV Electrical Calculation

  • 2008


    Electrical CAD Software

  • 2009

    Solar Calc

    Photovoltaic calculation

  • 2014

    Acquisition of Cythelia + archelios™ PRO

    Design, simulation and analysis of PV projects

  • 2016

    elec calc HT/LV

    Calculation and sizing of installations

  • 2016

    Launch of the development of the Green Solution

    energy optimisation software

  • 2017

    Launch of the development of the Green Box

    a remote energy reading tool

  • 2018

    elec calc BIM

  • 2019

    Sale of elecworks™ to Dassault Systems

  • 2020

    Launch of the complete energy optimisation offer

  • 2021

    elec calc™ GRID

    Multi-source power grid calculation

  • 2022

    Purchase of the Pack'Elec from Algotech

  • 2023

    elec calc™ Project

    Collaborative project management platform elec calc

  • 2024

    Merger of the entities Green Systems and Trace Software International = Trace Software

    Global offer Electricity, Solar, Energy

Our commitments


Attentive customer support


Regularly updated solutions


Support in your energy transition


Software with an ergonomic design


White Papers 
& templates




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