Trace Software

Trace Software: A union to revolutionise the energy and ecological transition

News Release

16 September 2024

It is with great pride that we announce a major milestone in the evolution of Trace Software: the merger with our sister company, Green Systèmes. 

This union is an important step in accelerating the company’s position as a leader in the building and energy applications sector. It meets the new expectations and constraints of our customers who are facing the challenges of the energy transition.  

With this new dynamic, we are offering more complete software solutions, combining innovation, performance and expertise in order to model territories, buildings and networks.  

To mark this turning point, we have renewed our visual identity with modernised visuals and new logos. 

Our ambition: to be at the forefront of the energy revolution 

The world is moving fast. The issues related to territories, energy systems and buildings are increasingly complex. Our ambition is simple: to play a key role in this transition by providing energy professionals with state-of-the-art software to model, simulate and optimise energy management. 

To achieve this, we position ourselves as a trusted partner for land owners, project managers, design offices, installers, operators and manufacturers of electrical equipment, offering them high-performance tools adapted to their constantly changing needs.  

We offer innovative software solutions that include, Electrical Design, Photovoltaic Systems, Energy Management, Carbon Calculation, Thermal and Energy Simulations. 

Our goal is to encourage sustainable innovations that transform the energy landscape at the scale of territories, networks and buildings. 

We envision a world where energy systems work in harmony with the environment, allowing communities and businesses to grow while reducing their impact on the climate.

Our missions: a 360° commitment 

Expertise and support 

With recognised expertise in energy sizing and management, we support key players in industry and construction with our software solutions. We are at your side and we are committed to making your projects a success! 

Virtuous circle of Trace Software offers 

Modelling and optimisation  

From plant modelling to energy consumption optimisation, normative calculation and production simulation, our software covers a large part of the energy distribution chain, ensuring a more efficient use of resources. 

Collaborative ecosystem  

Ambitious challenges mean ambitious solutions. That’s why we created Trace Connect, an application platform that brings together a collaborative ecosystem, designed to bring together all the project stakeholders and facilitate their cooperation. 

Educational applications  

The software and applications we develop are real educational tools. They improve our customers’ knowledge by capitalising on the feedback and the real needs of our ecosystem. 

Our values: listening, commitment and agility 

At Trace Software, we rely on strong values. Thus, listening to our users is at the heart of our approach. We improve our customers’ lives and their productivity by providing them with tools that allow them to focus on their real business. Our commitment is to be present in the long term by continuously integrating ideas, expertise and changes in the uses and standards of our ecosystem. Agility is our driving force, it allows us to constantly innovate and quickly adapt to market changes so that each solution brings real added value to your business. 

A new visual identity 

To mark this milestone, we have redesigned our entire visual identity symbolising our commitment to innovation and sustainability. We opted for a new logo, which combines movement and modernity, with chevrons symbolizing the essence of Trace Software: software coding. Our new graphic design on the other hand, is composed of dynamic colours, with a nod to the old design for a smooth transition. Each product is now identified by a theme and its own colour palette. 

Join us on this journey 

We want to share this evolution with you. With our clear vision, strong values and innovative solutions, we are convinced of this unions success. So, embark on this new adventure with us and together, let’s build a more sustainable future. 

About Green Systèmes: 

The start-up Green Systèmes was created in 2015 by the Trace Group (parent company of Trace Software International, TraceParts, Cythelia Energy and BIM&Co), with the aim of making building management and energy management more accessible to tertiary and industrial companies.  

About Trace software: 

Trace Software International publishes software for electrical and photovoltaic installations for buildings and industry. Our solutions are aimed at installers, operators, design offices and inspection bodies. 

With 30 years of expertise, Trace Software has always been able to make a place for itself over the years by offering innovative solutions and services adapted to the use of each of its programs.