Your photovoltaic installation sizing in real time:
Thanks to a few pop-up windows, archelios Calc offers quickly and easily a global and synthetic view of your photovoltaic installations: from the photovoltaic array to the grid, from the simple residential installations to the multi-inverters three-phase installations.
Taking into consideration all the components of photovoltaic installations, archelios Calc provides data on components’ compliance status thanks to a clear and good looking presentation.
Electrical sizing of photovoltaic installations
1 or 2 standards to choose
archelios Calc is a software conceived to allow professionals and engineers to size the electrical installation in photovoltaic projects according to the IEC or NF standards.
Price for annual susbcription – Silver services included
Model: TC50207ABTTC50107ABTTC50207ABTTC50307ABT
1500,00 € – 1590,00 € excl. tax / year