Trace Software is pleased to announce the launch of elec calc™ Project, a connector of Trace Connect platform, that enables online collaboration on elec calc™ projects as well as with all the products in the range: elec calc™ BIM, elec calc™ GRID, elec calc™ Reader or QuickSchem™.
The platform allows projects to be stored and shared online. The history of all documentation related to a project can be posted on the platform and shared with all project stakeholders. All information is then available online according to the defined access levels.
The benefits of online collaboration
For each of the products in the elec calc™ range, users have a native integration of their project on the cloud. Thanks to the electronic document management (EDM), it is possible to create specific directories as well as to share files, quickly and easily, in order to ensure the proper organisation of work procedures. Finally, the platform’s integrated explorer allows intuitive navigation between the various project files. Users also have a management system for their user groups togrant them specific access to documents and projects.
“Today collaboration is a major issue for the success of projects, whether it is the number of people involved or simply the size of the files, it is very complicated to set up file sharing between different entities before even talking about processes
elec calc™ Project will constitute the backbone of a project. It allows to interact with the different actors and to make the different deliverables evolve, from the documentation through the calculation note to the digital model, all in a secure” environment.”
Jérôme MULLIE, Technical Director

Unmatched features for electrical projects
- Provision of “native” cloud project integration from elec calc™
- Visualisation of the elec calc™ range files
- Simulation of operating modes and calculation results
- Visualisation and sharing of all or part of the schematic library / blueprints to groups of users
- Automatic management of workflows for QuickSchem™ statements and document approvals
- Implementation of specialised directories that ensure workflows and controls with the platform’s EDM