Trace Software


Welcome to (hereinafter referred to as the Site) edited by Trace Software International S.A.S (hereinafter referred to as Trace Software International).

The Site is a portal of technical and commercial resources for engineers, designers, draftsmen, technicians, buyers from all industrial sectors and also for technical education.

These Terms and Conditions are intended to define the **terms and conditions** for the provision of the services of the Trace Software Site, hereinafter referred to as “the Site” and the Conditions of Use thereof by the User.

Any access and / or use of the Site implies the acceptance and the respect of all the terms of these Conditions and their unconditional acceptance. They therefore constitute a contract between the Company and the User.

In the event that the User does not wish to accept all or part of these Terms and Conditions, he is asked to waive any use of the Site.


Legal Notice

The website is published and maintained by Trace Software International S.A.S with a capital of € 195,282.00, registered **in** Le Havre RCS under number 507 704 716 and whose registered office is ZAC du Parc Technologique Regional 76430 Saint Romain of Colbosc – France. Phone: +33 (0) 232 794 424.

The site is declared to the CNIL under number 1528032.
The director of the publication is Mr. Etienne Mullie – General Director
The accommodation is made by OVH, head office: 140, Quai du Sartel, 59100 Roubaix – France.

VAT: FR81507704716
SIRET: 507,704,716,00012
APE: 5829C


Condition of access to services

Proposed services

The site is a portal showcasing Trace Software International’s innovative solutions for CAD and electrical computing for industry and the service sector. The site also exposes additional services to ensure the best integration of these solutions.

Access to services

The Website is accessible free of charge to any User who has access to the Internet. All costs related to access to the Service, whether material costs, software or access to the Internet are exclusively the responsibility of the User. He is solely responsible for the proper functioning of his computer equipment as well as his access to the Internet.
The Company implements all reasonable means at its disposal to ensure quality access to the Site, but is under no obligation to do so.
It can not, moreover, be held responsible for any malfunction of the network or servers or any other event beyond reasonable control, which would prevent or degrade access to the Service.

Trace Software International reserves the right to interrupt, suspend momentarily or modify without notice access to all or part of the Site for the purpose of maintenance, or for any other reason. This interruption will not have any obligation or compensation.

Registration – Personal Data

In order to purchase Trace Software products through the Site’s e-shop, the User must register with the Company by creating an account (free). He will then be asked to provide certain information and to create a username and password. Similarly, in order to benefit from a free test and / or receive information about products and services, the User must complete a form. To this end, it undertakes to provide accurate, up-to-date and complete information and to update it if necessary as soon as possible.
**Regarding their rights with regard to their Personal Data**, Users are invited to read the Trace Software International Personal Data Management page, the content of which forms an integral part of these Terms of Use.

Limitations of responsibilities

Trace Software International is committed to doing its best to ensure users have access to the site at all times. However, the Company can not be held responsible in case of unavailability of the site, for whatever reason.
The user acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access the site and use it, and acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration used contains no virus or malware and is in perfect working order.
Trace Software International makes every effort to provide users with information and tools that are available and verified, but can not be held responsible for errors or inaccuracies, lack of availability of information and / or the presence of viruses or other infections on his site.
Trace Software International does not grant to Internet users any explicit or implicit guarantee, with regard to the exactitude, the exhaustiveness or the update of the information contained in this site, or accessible from this site.
In addition, the Company does not guarantee in any way the adequacy of information with the needs of the user, therefore it can not support any claim for compensation for direct or indirect damage suffered by the user following the consultation and the use of the information obtained through the site.
The user therefore acknowledges using the information and tools available on the Site under his exclusive responsibility.

Intellectual property

The website taken as a whole, as well as each element that composes it (brands, logo, texts, sounds, images, videos, animations, database … **without making this list limited**), are the exclusive property of Trace Software International.
The user has a right to private, personal, non-collective and non-exclusive use of this content. Subject to the exceptions to copyright provided by Article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code, any other use of the content is subject to prior and express authorization from Trace Software International, especially in the event that the user considers to repost the content on another site. Violation of these mandatory provisions subjects the offender, and all persons responsible, to the criminal and civil penalties provided by law.
For any authorization request, the User must contact the Company

Link with Third Party Websites

The Site offers links to other websites managed by Third Parties. To the extent that no control is exercised over these external resources, the User acknowledges that Trace Software International assumes no responsibility for the provision of these resources and can not be held responsible for their content or effects.

Changes to the Terms of Use

Trace Software International may at any time revise these Terms of Use by updating this document.
All changes are published on this site, Users are therefore encouraged to check the Terms from time to time, as the Privacy Policy may also be updated.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use are subject to French law.

For any dispute or dispute not settled out of court that may arise from these Terms, only the Court of Le Havre will be competent.

